Well, this was more unproductive than I expected but to be fair, I was sick twice. These things happen.
Sept goals
- Finish Navajo Churro roving spin both singles and plying – started the final bit, still need to ply
- start processing a fleece – I did start processing the fleece, I’ve been trying to do a little bit of carding every day
- work on tablet weaving project – lol no
- wash a sheep fleece – lol no
- continue knitting sweater – I did continue knitting it, just got to the section where I need to split for sleeves
- start a crochet project? – no
October goals
- Finished Navajo Churro roving singles and plying
- continue processing fleece
- wash sheep fleece
- work on tablet weaving project
- knit sweater
- start spinning on my new (!!!) spinning wheel