
Second Project

I warped a second weaving project yesterday, right around lunch time and got so into it that I forgot to eat lunch. Whoops.  

I was essentially doing the same as my first project but muchwider. So I warped with the tatting crochet on my niddy noddy, so the warp is around 1 foot long. I did solid blue borders, 15 warp rounds each then varigated thread in the center 30 warp rounds, which goes from the same blue to yellow and looks very nice. 

Got it all set up on my PVC, got the thread heddle threaded around each warp thread and set it down. Did other stuff. You can see the string heddle at the top of the picture, you basically secure yarn to a rod or your hand, then loop it around your warp thread, secure it, loop it around the next warp thread and so on all the way across. This allows these warp threads to pass through the other set of warp threads to cross over the weft and make the actual weave. weaving is complicated and honestly, this is actually one of the best ways to learn the principles of weaving because floor looms are really complicated and probably it’s harder to learn the whys. 

Sat down this morning to start weaving and something was wrong. Two threads weren’t being captured properly as I opened the shed and I spent about 20 minutes staring at it, opening and closing the heddle and shed. Finally I figured out that two of the warp threads must have crossed as I was making the heddle loops and so every time I pulled the shed up, they couldn’t go to their proper positions and were pushing the other thread out of the way. 

So then I took another 10 minutes to figure out how to cut the thread, pull them through their proper loops and retie them in a spot that wouldn’t interfere with weaving and would hold up long enough for me to get some weft on and if they broke after that, it wouldn’t matter. That’s all the mess at the bottom of the photo

I did about 5 rows and then had to get some work done. Right now I’m doing warp faced projects, where the only thing you see is the warp threads but I think my next project is going to be a balanced weave where you see both warp and weft.

A blue and yellow band of tatting crochet, some is woven and most is not.