October goals
- Finished Navajo Churro roving singles and plying – done! pictures below, they turned out super well. This will eventually be a plaid woven giant pillow thing
- continue processing fleece – did some carding, got dragonlady7 to do some carding for me, I was teaching her how to card and it is fairly easy
- wash sheep fleece – one fleece washed! I just need to let it dry a little more then bag it. Fleece processing is really intensive on the water heating, so I’m going to set up a fire pit down by the lower driveway where I can have some kind of metal rack that will hold three pots, one for dyeing, two for boiling water for scouring. That way I can also be close to the basement door for the hot water from the tap and also not waste propane boiling water on the stove. Next scour will be in the spring I think, weather probably won’t cooperate beyond this weekend and I won’t be able to scour this weekend. But I’ll have at least two fleeces to scour then. Need to buy more soap too.
- work on tablet weaving project – worked on it!
- knit sweater – worked on it!
- start spinning on my new (!!!) spinning wheel – yes! it is beautiful and lovely to spin on. I spun a full bobbin which was 5.5 oz of fiber and it was lovely. it spins so fast and so beautifully. I’m spinning the grey Romney fleece that I processed
Navajo Churro yarn warp – all spun from roving from Rainbow Fiber Co-Op who are native led organization, really awesome work and beautiful yarn and roving. These are all two ply with decent twist.

Navajo Churro weft – mostly from roving from Rainbow Fiber Co-op with 4 oz being fleece from Clemes & Clemes that I carded and spun at some point. These are all singles, low twist.

Bobbin of Romney on new wheel

November Goals
- Spin grey Romney fleece
- Finish tablet weaving project?
- knit sweater
- process fleece
- finish 4oz test comb for timing
- start a crochet project – hat and scarf for gifts?