Saturday, I went to New England Fiber Festival, which is an indoor festival because it’s in Massachusetts in November. Except it was 70F and so hot. I wore my light sweater anyway because it’s great. There were so many vendors there.
This was the first time I bought from a fleece sale and it was simply glorious. So many tables of fleeces for sale. They had them divided into types, primitive, fine, medium and long. There was also alpaca and mohair but I don’t actually need any more of those.
I ended up with four fleeces even though I planned to get one. To be fair, I got small or cheaper fleeces because I had a limited budget. I ended up with one fleece from each section.
2 lb grey Icelandic

4 lb Border Leicester fleece that was discounted because it didn’t fit the breed standard. I did not care about that.

A 2 lb Merino fleece that was a partial fleece. The Merino fleeces were the most expensive with very few being less than $100 which is why I picked this partial fleece.

An finally, a bag of several fleeces that weighted 13 lbs because they weren’t top quality and variable lengths. It was $26 but I knew I could do a lot with it. It needs more washings and some extra skirting.

I got some yarn for my housemate’s birthday or christmas present from Sassy Black Yarns

Some dyed roving mostly for me but I’m going to give some to a friend for easier spinning practice. These are from Essential Fiber and Dirty Girl Yarns

I also got some natural dyes that I haven’t really seen much, wenge, purpleheart and padauk. I will need to alcohol steep them and I need to do some more research before I use them I think.

I got some cashmere roving, let myself be talked into it but it is very pretty.

Finally, I got a supported spindle, a bowl and a nalbinding needle. I’ve been practicing with them and I kinda have the hang of spinning. I don’t super plan to nalbind but I’ve vaguely been thinking about it.