So I completely forgot to do my June goals. To be fair, I was slightly busy.
May/June goals
- weave tablet weaving project
- spin final third of purple roving – done before I moved! And I literally finished plying it yesterday
- comb romney fleece – still in progress
- wash as many fleeces as possible – got two done, building drying rack this week
- crochet socks – finished!

Socks photographed very badly!

July goals
- Spin something – I have exchanged spinning wheels with a friend and I want to fiddle with her wheel since it seems to be cranky and not spinning correctly. maybe go wild and spin something on my electrical wheel that is thicker
- Skein purple yarn – it’s a pound of yarn and it took me so long to ply and now I need to skein it. ugh. someday I will own a skein winder.
- build fleece drying rack – I need to buy lumber but should be a fast build and then I can get back to washing the alpaca fleeces
- comb romney fleece – I really want to finish this!
- crochet – keep working on the handspun shawl I started, it’s very pretty
- knitting – sweater? socks again? I doubt it but lets see