
Loom and Shearing

Monday last week, I got a loom! The person I bought my new spinning wheel from texted me and asked if I wanted a free loom. I said hell yes. She had originally gotten it for free from someone who was moving and lent it to a friend who didn’t need it. Said friend of hers was dropping her kid off to university 30 minutes from where I live and just brought it by and dropped it off. It is enormous and will live forever on the first floor because we can’t actually get it through any doors without completely disassembling it. They had only taken the back beam off to fit it in the van. I have a book I’m reading to learn how to warp the dang thing.

A large floor loom sits in from of a large glass cabinet. It is a badly taken photo with light coming in the side of the photo.

Friday morning, I drove north and helped shear sheep. The guy I talked to at the fiber fest had a shearing job and I sheared four sheep. The last sheep was unhappy about the situation and at one point managed to jam her head backwards into my jaw, thankfully hitting the muscle rather than anything else so my teeth were fine. Chewing was no fun for two days but I’m basically back to fine now.