It has been Some Time since my last spinning roundup. I did many things in the past almost two months. Spinning has been a wonderful distraction, especially when work is slow but I might need to stop and answer emails.
Merino, the colorway was southwest succulents. I chain plyed it to keep the colors together. Nice and squishy, 4oz, 200ish yards.

Mystery wool, but probably Jacob. It’s from a farm local to my parents and they only label by their sheep name. It had some vegetable matter but was wonderful to spin and also purple is my favorite color. 2 ply, 4 oz, 600ish yards I think.

This was a Targhee base, dyer is Llady Llama Fiber Co. Clockwork was the colorway and I did it as a gradient, where I separated the colors into 7 different sections for each braid of 4 oz and then plyed it together. 8oz, 2 ply, 1600 yards. I think I’ve got an idea for what to do with it but not 100% sure yet. It’s beautiful.

Now a bunch of 1 ounce samples of different breeds I did. I spun the ounce as one single, pulled off some single, did a plying bracelet for 2 ply and chain plyed for the 3 ply.


Manx Laoghtan


Baby Camel

Merino base, dyed by Llady Llama Fiber Co, moss on slate I think. I only had one 4oz braid so I did it as a fractal spin. Turned out better than I thought it would when I was spinning it. Currently I’m crocheting a shawl out of it and it looks good. 4oz, 2ply, 600ish yards

Corriedale from my local yarn shop/sheep farm, Foster Sheep Farm. Spinning the singles was nice, plying was a nightmare because it kept catching on the hooks of my wheel. 4oz, 2 ply, 600ish yards

Teeswater. Oh so lovely. I was going to only do an ounce for the sampling project but then I just spun up the whole 4.5 oz because it was so nice to spin. I did it as a 3 ply, 300ish yards and super squishy.

Finally, I finished the blanket I’ve been working on for two months. I made it with all the alpaca yarn I had and the black section is some I spun up. It is around 5 feet across and super warm. The pattern is Rings of Change. I made it to row 60ish of 110.

My next spinning is already underway, I’m doing a lazy gradient of some dyed targhee and spinning it thicker so it will be super poofy after finishing. It’s a very bright yellow. I have Plans to buy a fuckton of roving this next week or two because I got my stimulus check and I plan to help stimulate the economy. Especially since the MD Sheep & Wool is having a virtual festival this weekend and I had planned to go down there.