
Current works

I made a whole bobbin of yarn on my spinning wheel. I finally got it off and here’s a picture. There’s some definite variation but that roving is actually kinda hard to work with for some reason. I can’t figure it out but it’s my test roving for everything. If I learn to spin on it, then moving to other types is easier. I have no idea what it is, I constantly lose what things are. I counted out the turns on the niddy noddy and then calculated it out, and it may or may not be about 270 yards, which is a good amount. I’m not plying anything because that’s a pain in the butt and I don’t want to.

White yarn, very thing all aligned with a sharpie laid over top to give a size perspective.

The next one I’m working on my wheel is this darker yarn. It is easier to do a long draw with and I’m getting much more consistency with it, even if not fully consistent. It’s very nice to work with.

Brown yarn, with a finger for size comparison, wound on a spinning wheel bobbin.

This is my secret project that I’m excited about. I’m spinning yarn that I got from Llady Llama at the sheep and wool festival and I’m going to crochet it into a hat and scarf set for Jade for Christmas. It’s going pretty well and I’m 2/3 done spinning with a full half on the niddly noddy and set. The colors reminded me of her and it also matches the persona 5 colors, which she’s been playing a lot lately. She also came home early tonight while I was working on it, so I did some very unsubtle stuffing of it under my arm.

A beautiful red, black, grey yarn that varies across the yarn. It is parallel on a niddy noddy.

This is my using-yarn-up crochet blanket. I’ve got a lot of purple, white and grey so that’s what I’m doing.

A blanket with zigzags in purple, grey and white.