

Other than the incredible yardage I’ve been plying for a little bit at a time. That is taking a while. That project is the Lincoln longwool (4oz) and Coopworth (8oz), that I got as washed fleece, combed and spun incredibly fine in matching thickness to be for future tablet weaving projects because the lincoln is […]

Fiber Roundup

This is a bunch of stuff I’ve done in the past few months. This is a project that was mostly practicing different techniques, I warped up two warps per heddle loop so I could do a 2 by 2 pattern. I also did pickup techniques which is what the V pattern is at the top. […]

Electric Wheel!

It arrived!!! I’m making this post two weeks after it arrived but hey, whatever. I backed the Electric Eel Wheel 6.0 Kickstarter back in June 2020. From what I can tell from the updates, for the most part everything went smoothly with production and there was only a month delay from the estimated delivery due […]

Minor Revelations

If using wool and you spin it with twist, you need a ply to even the twists out and not get something that crinkles in knitting or weaving. If you do a low twist single, you won’t need the ply but it is generally a thicker yarn that is used for soft garments and won’t […]

First Fleece!

First fleece down! I started out with 1 pound 8 ounces of washed Shetland fleece. The listing said the locks were 2-3 inches long, they were actually 4-5 inches long. Since I only had hand cards, I struggled for a bit to figure out how to do this. Plus it was my first time doing […]

Flax Gem

Found a flax gem on a forum:  “Classic European way to spin line is on a low-whorl or all-in-one spindle with either a body-braced or a free-standing distaff and grasped or very short suspended. Using the traditional tools makes a big difference here. The ancient Egyptian way to spin flax was to select fibers from […]