Things have been busy. I say that a lot.
Last week and this weekend was particularly busy, getting back into the swing of work last week and then adventures this weekend.
So this weekend I went to a spinning meetup, where I got some great advice on adjusting my wheel, had a great time and got some spinning done. (A thing I’m doing now is streaming on twitch while I spin, which is fascinating because there is a whole crafting community that streams on there.). I spun a lot last week and finished my green yarn, started plying it on the drop spindle, which I shouldn’t have to do any more if I get the wheel adjusted properly, spun two of three bobbins of alpaca, bought some more roving from someone on ravelry. I actually just finished plying and putting the green yarn into a skein and it is about 560 yards, which is A Lot. Coolio. It’s soft af.