
First Fleece!

First fleece down! I started out with 1 pound 8 ounces of washed Shetland fleece. The listing said the locks were 2-3 inches long, they were actually 4-5 inches long. Since I only had hand cards, I struggled for a bit to figure out how to do this. Plus it was my first time doing […]

Weaving Project #3

Another weaving project! First larger project on the same tiny loom and I used my handspun yarn. My warping pegs (brackets attached to my grow light stand) worked super well and I was very pleased with how they worked. So all my projects will be 46 inches long for a while. I learned that the […]

Flax Splicing

Flax splicing research article here and a less scientific article here Essentially you can make super super fine fibers by splicing instead of drafting and I wanted to see if I could do it. I’ve been doing a bunch of reading up on it and various techniques in various places.  Initial thoughts on my experimenting, I did […]

Second Project

I warped a second weaving project yesterday, right around lunch time and got so into it that I forgot to eat lunch. Whoops.   I was essentially doing the same as my first project but muchwider. So I warped with the tatting crochet on my niddy noddy, so the warp is around 1 foot long. I […]

Another hobby

I said I wasn’t going to pick up another hobby but I figured out how to make the world’s smallest backstrap loom out of pvc pipe and started weaving with tatting crochet thread and a tapestry needle as a shuttle. oh well. I should be able to use this with larger yarn for narrow projects, […]

Flax Gem

Found a flax gem on a forum:  “Classic European way to spin line is on a low-whorl or all-in-one spindle with either a body-braced or a free-standing distaff and grasped or very short suspended. Using the traditional tools makes a big difference here. The ancient Egyptian way to spin flax was to select fibers from […]


I said I was going to wait until march to buy fiber prep equipment but a set of hand cards popped up for $45 including shipping aaaaaand I’m getting them I have also found some washed fleeces in weird corners of the internet so I know they are out there. I haven’t ordered any yet. […]