
Wheel and Shearing!

Saturday, I had arranged to meet someone from the internet to buy their spinning wheel and yarn winder. The spinning wheel is a Canadian production wheel, big beautiful spinning wheels from the late 1800s into the early 1900s made in Quebec.

A beautiful CPW (Canadian Production Wheel) and a yarn winder sit on an asphault driveway in dappled sunshine.

I’m also very excited about the yarn winder, no more using my pvc niddy noddy to wind skeins! It’ll be nice for those big projects where I have a lot of fine yarn because I frequently had to set it down and leave a tick mark next to it so I knew what was going on.

Ran back to the house, dropped these off, took my dog out and then headed up to my local fiber festival. I chatted with a number of people about fiber and shearing sheep and finally connected with a person who was doing part time shearing and would be willing to take me on apprentice style in the area. Fuck yeah! I need to text them to confirm and all that but they needed an extra pair of hands and right now I need the practice and later some money. I also bought some roving that is all purples and blues. Because of course I did. Favorite colors!