
Assortments of Goings On

I went over and taught a friend how to use my little electric wheel since she’s been struggling to manage a wheel that is cranky and treadles and learn the mechanics of spinning all at once. I spun and carded fleece. We had family dinner at the farm after and I was absolutely stuffed full of food and it was all so good and a lovely time.

I washed a fleece yesterday. Lots of work, mostly carrying water from the sink or stove outside to the scour bins. I soaked it overnight to get most of the dirt out, split it into 4 batches, then presoaked them in warm water since they were icy because of the freeze. Then into the scour bin with 4 gal 120F water from the tap plus a pot of boiling water plus soap for 15 mins. Then two rinses in the 120F tap water for 15 mins each. I should have done a second scout with tap water, boiling water and soap but I cheated it a little because Cotswold is a low lanolin breed and I could. I’m almost out of the soap I use so I need to pick up something else like Orvus paste that a lot of people use. 

I had a nice fire running in the outdoor fire pit and I think next time I’m going to boil the water over the fire because wood is free at this house and the stove costs propane to run. I don’t mind the 120F from the tap because the boiler is pretty efficient.