
Things that occurred this week

In no particular order:

I got two fleeces scoured on Thursday because it was the last warmish day for a while, I’m glad I did! I scoured a 5lb Dorset/Cotswold fleece that I got back in the spring and the 2lb Icelandic fleece I just got. They are still drying, it’s been cool and cloudy so one of the fleeces is in the basement with the dehumidifier while the other is on the skirting table in what little sun we get. But it is windy so that’s helped. I’m happy with them.

I’m trying to baby my right arm/wrist/hand with crafting. I’ve been doing a lot of stuff this week and my wrist mostly isn’t appreciating it. I think it’s primarily due to the new crochet project I started. It’s not bad but if I keep doing things to aggravate it, it will get worse.

Hopefully today I’m going to make a raddle for warping onto the big loom. I think it should be easy, just a piece of wood with nails close together.