
Fiber roundup

Let’s see if the pictures work since I c/p from pillowfort where they were posted

I haven’t posted about fiber I’ve spun since I was in the doldrums of the Romeldale/CVM in June. As it turns out, it wanted to be spun very fine and you can spin 1000 yards of 2 ply yarn from 4oz of fiber. Wild.

Lots of pictures below

that was for the Shave Em to Save Em project from the Livestock Conservancy. I can probably send my first set of projects in but ehhh I’ll get there. This is how fine the finished yarn is. I got it thinner as I spun, so the left is most of the skein and the right is what I started with when I was trying to spin it thicker instead of what it wanted

This is the Evil Stepmother colorway from Llady Llama Fiber Co on a Targhee base. I chain plyed it to keep the colors together. This was my first Tour de Fleece spin. 400 yards, 4 oz. I hate chain plying.

I then spun up Dorset Horn from Ross Farm Fibers. Also for the SE2SE project. It’s a true 3 ply, 280 yards, 4oz. Squishy as all get out

Then I spun up Leicester Longwool, which I expected I would dislike. I don’t like some of the longwools because they slide too easily and don’t catch, which is how long draw spinning works. But. It was amazing. It was so easy to spin and went so quickly. I spun it up in 3 days or so. It was amazing. It literally glows. I’m so going to get more to spin. I got this from Blackberry Friends Fiber and it was also for the SE2SE project. 280 yards of 3 ply, 4oz. I highly recommend this fiber and it’s going on my list to get again. One day I will update my breed study stuff.

Final Tour de Fleece project was 8oz of the Undine colorway from Llady Llama Fiber Co on a merino, bamboo, nylon blend. I got almost all of this done before TdF ended, so my total was 18oz or something in 3 weeks. This was a fractal spin, so I took one braid, split it in three lengthwise and then spun then one after another. Then I just spun the second braid as is then plyed them together. It’s subtle but I like it. This was 670 yards of 2 ply. I plyed it more tightly than I normally would since it may be sock yarn someday when I buy smaller needles. I’m glad this is the last of that blend I have because I highly dislike blends with bamboo or nylon. Not a huge fan of superwaash merino either.

After TdF ended, I took a little break, a couple of days and then started Tunis from Ross Farm Fibers. SE2SE project. Meh, it was similar to the Dorset Horn and it was fine. 485 yards of 2 ply, 4oz.

Final spin was 4 oz of Gnomespun fiber that is still singles on bobbins. I will spin the second braid up soon. The reason is that I took my spinning wheel down to a restorer to have new parts made. It had been missing a footman and I was using a piece of twine, which worked. It also needed a new bobbin since its bobbin had chips out of it. So it got all fixed up and I am picking up my wheel this afternoon!

Tour de Fleece 2.0 starts today, so excellent timing!

As far as knitting and crochet goes, I knitted a couple of wonky hats, started a large scarf, and continued crocheting my quarantine sweater which is almost done at this point.